Unlocking Success: 5 Tactics to Elevate Your Intern Experience
Harness AI-driven experiences, local overviews, and brand engagement to drive full-time conversions
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Harness AI-driven experiences, local overviews, and brand engagement to drive full-time conversions
Harness AI-driven experiences, local overviews, and brand engagement to drive full-time conversions
In the ever-evolving landscape of talent acquisition, the significance of internships as a pipeline for future full-time employees has taken center stage. Organizations are recognizing the pivotal role interns play in shaping the future workforce, with 5% more interns than full-time workers projected to be hired from the last academic year. An intriguing trend emerges from recent statistics: the Generation Z employee experience emerges as a critical driver for converting interns into dedicated entry-level professionals.
This year, Generation Z will account for almost one-third of the workforce per the World Economic Forum. Recent years have witnessed a noteworthy ascent in intern-to-hire conversion rates, with rate soaring to 57.6%. This level of conversion is remarkable, underscoring the need for internships to cultivate a loyal and productive workforce.
Yet, this transformational journey hinges on employers' ability to embrace innovative tactics to engage Gen Z. To attract, engage, manage, and retain these workers effectively, companies need to meet them where they are – in cutting-edge digital experiences. Gen Z workers expect employers to provide them with the tools to thrive in a digital workspace with 70% of them saying they would leave their job for better technology. What’s more, as a substantial 64.8% of employers implement hybrid work policies for interns, these companies need to seamlessly transition this young age cohort from the virtual realm to physical offices and in-person interaction with colleagues. What’s promising is that those in-office experiences are valued by Gen Zers, with 75% saying that they’d be willing to relocate to be closer to work.
Read below to learn the five cutting-edge strategies for seamless internship to full-time conversions.
For the digital natives of Gen Z, a lack of advanced digital tools is a significant detractor from the overall employee experience. To truly engage and convert interns into full-time employees, companies must offer the personalized, cutting-edge solutions that Gen Zers are accustomed to using.
Gen Zers expect to work with technology that’s as finely tuned to their preferences as the platforms they grew up with: Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, Spotify, etc. As interns enter the workforce, their expectations around personalized digital experiences extends to all aspects of work life, including internships and relocations.
The traditional approach to intern relocation that lacks advanced digital tools falls short of Gen Z's expectations. As a result, they see the employee experience as poor, and the likelihood of converting them into full-time workers goes down. To effectively address this challenge, employers must leverage a tech-savvy solution that makes connecting to your company’s brand, culture, and their internship peers easy, intuitive, and enjoyable.
Enter Relocity's Guide for Interns, an innovative relocation experience for lump sum policies driven by artificial intelligence that aligns perfectly with the needs and expectations of Gen Z interns. Guide’s seamless and automated onboarding process sets the stage for a highly personalized digital relocation experience. Delivered through Relocity’s native mobile application and powered through our workforce mobility platform, Guide for Interns prompts interns to embark on a self-serve relocation experience, allowing them to create individual profiles that capture their unique preferences and requirements.
Relocity’s Guide’s Community feature simplifies relocation by connecting employees from the same company and destination, fostering support, camaraderie, and information sharing. It includes a moderated public feed, private messaging, and AI-driven tools to ensure respectful, constructive interactions. This transforms relocation into a collaborative and enriching experience.
Tailored to each individual’s policy, timeline, locations, and preferences, Relocity Guide for Interns leads interns through every step of a uniquely curated relocation process — to and from their destination.
The result? A relocation experience that’s efficient and deeply personalized — a hallmark of the platforms Gen Z has grown up with. Interns who see their employers investing in a tailored relocation experience are more likely to feel a match with their preferences and values, and also valued and appreciated as part of your corporate culture. This level of personalization goes a long way in fostering brand loyalty, and when the opportunity arises, makes interns more inclined to stay on board as full-time employees.
The emergence of Generation Z has brought about a shift in workplace expectations. These professionals prioritize technology-driven experiences and value the freedom to work and relocate according to their preferences. It's evident that companies unwilling to offer this flexibility may impede their talent pipelines' development. Employers should acknowledge that technology plays a vital role in creating the modern work environment that Gen Z desires.
Forbes underscores the urgency of offering flexibility to the newest members of the workforce, stating that business leaders need to create systems and processes that facilitate flexibility. Gen Z echoes this sentiment, as articulated by their preference for technology-enabled relocation and hybrid work experiences. Similarly, a staggering 80% of Gen Z individuals express a desire to work with cutting-edge technology.
The impact of technology isn't confined to talent attraction alone. Technology also plays a pivotal role in talent retention. Employers can increase their chances of engaging and retaining Gen Zers by investing in transformative technologies.
The question is how to invest in technologies that resonate with Gen Z's preferences and expectations. That’s where Relocity Guide for Interns can help. At the core of this solution is our native mobile app for both Apple and Android, which empowers interns to navigate every step of the relocation process with ease and efficiency — and on the device of their choosing.
Relocity Guide’s AI-driven features — like its dynamic map layers and neighborhood finder — offer unmatched flexibility and support that lets interns find affordable housing and lifestyle options in their new city as well as engage with the relocation process on their own terms, a natural extension of the platforms Gen Z is used to.
In the quest to increase full-time conversions among interns, the power of flexibility can boost your company’s chances of attracting, engaging, and converting interns.
In today's tech-savvy world, the way people approach problem-solving and learning has drastically changed. Generation Z, after growing up with a plethora of online resources and digital platforms, possesses a unique comfort and capability in navigating online information, videos, and apps to troubleshoot issues and acquire new skills. This profound familiarity with technology has profound implications, especially when it comes to the intern experience and Gen Z’s journey through relocation.
In a world where YouTube tutorials and online guides are just a few clicks away, the expectations of Gen Z have been shaped by the convenience of self-directed learning. When it comes to relocation, these expectations translate into a growing desire for a self-driven experience that harnesses the power of technology to streamline processes. Global mobility teams now have the opportunity to capitalize on this inclination by providing interns with an app-based relocation experience that aligns with their mobile-first, self-service preferences.
By integrating AI-driven solutions into the relocation process, global mobility teams can offer a range of tools and functionalities that resonate with Gen Z's preferences for self-driven engagement. From chat functionality that answers queries in real time to decision-making tools that assist interns in navigating potential relocation obstacles like finding a safe, affordable neighborhood, AI can become the ultimate guide for interns, offering on-demand advice, recommendations, and content.
Relocity Guide for Interns stands as a prime example of how AI-powered, self-service can revolutionize the intern’s lump sum relocation experience. With our app as the central hub for interns’ relocation experience, they gain 24/7 access to a wealth of resources, tools, vetted partners providing discounts, and chat support — all designed to make relocation an effortless and empowering journey. For instance, our neighborhood recommendations highlight a list of relevant neighborhoods and statistics near the intern’s destination. The intern can swipe through different neighborhoods and interact with each neighborhood summary. This consolidated information saves time and effort, simplifying the decision-making process for interns.
Additionally, Relocity Guide for Interns automatically suggests relevant content — including documentation on local registrations, city overviews, real estate trends, demographics, weather insights, and more — based on each intern’s relocation details.
This solution's self-service approach isn't just about making relocation convenient; it's about creating a positive employee experience for interns. Interns who feel empowered to navigate their relocations independently develop a sense of ownership and satisfaction. This positive experience, in turn, influences interns’ perceptions of their employers. Accordingly, with positive sentiments toward employers, interns are far more likely to embrace the opportunity to convert into full-time employees.
As global mobility teams navigate the challenges of attracting and retaining world-class intern talent and creating a smooth and enriching employee experience, they sometimes overlook a crucial aspect: the need to educate interns on the destination. Relocation, especially for anyone who has never moved before, can be daunting and expensive. Interns and their families require comprehensive information to acclimate to the workplace, the surrounding region, and the associated living costs. Providing this essential guidance not only fosters a positive intern experience, but also reflects the company's commitment to Duty of Care.
To ensure interns feel at ease and can focus on their roles, employers must bridge the knowledge gap by offering comprehensive relocation support and destination content — including information about affordable housing in the right areas, vetted partners to help them save money, local medical services, grocery stores, gyms, public transportation, and more. By equipping interns and their parents/guardians with this essential knowledge, employers provide Duty of Care, create an environment conducive to productivity and growth, and enhance the intern experience.
Relocity Guide for Interns serves as an invaluable tool for companies seeking to provide stronger duty of care. This solution offers a multifaceted approach to relocation support:
• Home-finding assistance.
• Budget and expectations.
• Commute options.
• Destination insights.
• Community for interns
Our holistic approach to lump sum relocation support via Relocity Guide for Interns significantly enhances the intern experience. With this solution, employers can offer the necessary destination insights that demonstrate a genuine commitment to employee well-being and empower interns to navigate new environments with confidence. The more seamless a relocation process employers provide, the more valuable interns feel. This enhanced sense of value translates into higher productivity and loyalty, increasing the likelihood of interns converting into full-time employees.
Many corporate internship programs struggle with a significant challenge: Gen Z disengagement. According to a Gallup study, a whopping 54% of Gen Z employees are disengaged from work, often due to a sense of disconnection from their colleagues and employers. The importance of forging meaningful connections within intern cohorts and your brand cannot be overstated. Today's interns yearn for more than just jobs, seeking a sense of community, a shared mission, and alignment with company values.
Gen Z workers expect their employers to communicate value-driven mission and vision statements that ideally align to their personal outlook. For Gen Z, corporate values are a pivotal factor in the decision to accept an offer. Gen Z interns are more likely to stay engaged if their professional growth aligns with value-driven change.
In light of this, it's imperative for employers to weave values and culture into every touchpoint of the intern experience, including the relocation process. Connecting interns through digital platforms and online communities resonates with Gen Z's tech-savvy nature, creating an engaging and value-driven experience from internship acceptance through their relocation, time in destination, and return to their home location.
Relocity Guide for Interns steps into the forefront as a solution that seamlessly connects Gen Z interns to each other and your brand, fostering meaningful connections through its innovative Community feature. By connecting interns from the same company and destination, the Community transforms the often overwhelming relocation process into a shared journey of discovery and support. It fosters camaraderie, enhances the overall experience, and turns relocation into a communal and enriching adventure—infusing your corporate culture into every step.
By seamlessly integrating these features into the relocation process, Relocity Guide for Interns transforms relocation into a cohesive and immersive experience. Interns who feel deeply connected to the brand and their fellow interns — in alignment with personal values — are significantly more likely to convert into loyal full-time employees passionate about the company's values and culture.
In the competitive landscape of talent acquisition and retention, harnessing the potential of Gen Z interns requires a strategic approach. The five tactics discussed — personalizing the relocation journey, providing a flexible relocation experience, enabling self-service for relocation tasks, educating interns on the destination, and fostering the connection between interns and your brand — form a powerful toolkit that can reshape the intern experience. By embracing these tactics, corporate global mobility leaders have the opportunity to not only enhance the intern journey, but also lay the foundation for increased full-time conversions.